Hiring Manager Resources

Hiring UA students is a valuable opportunity for you to support their career development while boosting your department's work productivity. See the page below for information regarding student employment here at The University of Alabama.

Hiring Manager Resources

check markAre you an off-campus employer?

The UA Student Jobsite is a free service available to select off-campus employers. Click here for more information.

Eligibility Requirements

Student Assistant jobs are on-campus jobs funded through UA departmental budgets, and eligibility is not based on financial need. Eligible students may apply and interview for available positions, which are posted year-round on the UA Student Jobsite. Below are minimum qualifications for students based on their UA student status. These qualifications must be kept the duration of employment as a UA student assistant. Individual hiring departments and programs may also have additional eligibility requirements, including minimum GPA, completion of credit hours or coursework, class level, etc.


  • Accepted into UA degree program
  • Obtained CWID number
  • Completed registration for at least 6 credit hours during first fall/spring semester


  • Enrolled in UA degree program
  • Registered for at least 6 credit hours during fall/spring semesters


  • Enrolled in UA degree program
  • Registered for at least 4.5 credit hours during fall/spring semesters

Students working in on-campus positions are limited to a total of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. Students may work up to 40 hours per week during academic breaks and summer semester(s). This limit applies to the total hours worked for all combined on-campus jobs. Students Assistants that exceed these hours will receive time and half pay, and will not be eligible for FICA exemption. More information is included below under Work Hours.

International Students

There are additional eligibility and work hour requirements for international hires.

Advertise a Job on our Student Job Site

On-campus faculty or staff members that would like to post jobs can request access by emailing uastudentjobs@ua.edu.

Taking the time to post job openings and interviewing students for on-campus employment will give you the opportunity to accurately assess whether or not student applicants have appropriate experience, or if they can be trained to meet job skills and requirements. When selecting students for employment at UA, supervisors should keep in mind that many students have no previous job search and/or work experience.

All UA students are able to view job postings on the UA Student Jobsite. We also notify students when new jobs are posted through our social media channels, including Instagram and X.


Required Forms

Federal I-9

Verifies the identity and eligibility to work in the United States and must be completed by the first day of employment. Please notify your departmental I-9 representative prior to the start date that you have hired a student employee so that they can email the I-9 instructions to the student employee.

Note: Please refer the student employee to the following link for a list of the proper documents the student will need in order to complete this form: https://www.uscis.gov/i-9.

Please notify the student that all forms of identification must be original. Photocopies of identification documents cannot be accepted.


Complete so the employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Generally, UA student assistant employees are exempt from paying FICA taxes, provided they are enrolled at least part-time in a degree program and working part–time.

To access: Login to myBama and click the Employee Tab. In the Banner Self Service box, click Employee Services > Tax Forms.

A-4 or Student Exemption A-4E

Complete so the employer can withhold the correct state income tax from your pay. Student employees may claim exemption from State tax if they plan to receive less than $1,800 of income in the year.

To access: Login to myBama and click the Employee Tab. In the Banner Self Service box, click Employee Services > Tax Forms.

UA Direct Deposit Form

Student employees must have their paychecks directly deposited into a personal checking or savings or account. Direct Deposit must be set-up online through the Banner Self-Service Direct Deposit form. 

To set upView instructions and links to set-up a direct deposit account.

Additional Forms

International Student Employees

International students (in F-1 or J-1 status) will also be required to present the following documents for on-campus employment:

  • F-1 I-20 Document or J-1 DS-2019 Document, which lists The University of Alabama as your institution and your expected graduation date

International students that do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) must apply for one upon employment. The SSN is not required to begin on-campus employment, but must be obtained immediately after being hired. Have your supervisor visit our Employee Resources I-9 page for more information.

For additional information, contact Capstone International Services at 205-348-5402.

Confidentiality Statement

You may be required to complete a confidentiality statement depending on your student status, your work assignment, or the UA department you will be working for. Student Assistants may also opt to complete additional voluntary forms to disclose information to UA.

FormConfidentiality Statement for Student Employees

Work Hours

Student Assistants employed in on-campus jobs may work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. Students may work up to 40 hours per week during academic breaks and summer semester(s). This limit applies to the total hours worked for all combined on-campus jobs.

Eligible students may apply for and work in more than one Student Assistant position; however, both hiring departments must be notified and the work hour limit is inclusive of all positions worked on-campus. For example, if a Student Assistant works 15 hours per week in one position, they may work up to 5 hours per week in another.

Hiring departments should consider needs and budgetary constraints before offering additional hours. Students Assistants that exceed these hours will receive time and half pay, and will not be eligible for FICA exemption.

Please note that all hours for graduate student employees must be pre-approved by the Graduate School as a condition of appointment. See the Graduate Student Employment Policy for additional details.

eTime & Payroll

Student Assistants are required to complete biweekly timesheets. Hours will be submitted online through the UA e-Time system. Supervisors are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the hours worked by Student Assistants are submitted and approved. Please discuss any specific departmental procedures for submitting time with your Student Assistant.

The bi-weekly payroll is processed every other week with payday on Fridays. Direct deposits are available on payday. Online timesheets for bi-weekly employees must be submitted on the Friday before the week of payroll processing. Timesheets that are not corrected and/or approved before the established deadline will result in errors or delayed paychecks.

Information regarding logging hours, pay schedules, W-2 forms, and updating personal information can be found on our Student Resources page.

For additional assistance with general payroll questions, please call the HR Service Center at 205-348-7732. If you are calling regarding a specific student employee, please have the employee’s CWID number available.