Student Resources

Through valuable experience, students can develop career skills, make money, and foster community to strengthen their overall success in college and beyond. The University of Alabama offers a variety of student employment experiences across many academic and administrative departments, allowing students to pursue work experiences that match their interests and skill sets. 

Student Resources

exclamationBeware of Job Scams

Some job scams are easy to spot while others appear legitimate. For more information, visit Job Scams.

Eligibility Requirements

Student Assistant jobs are on-campus jobs funded through UA departmental budgets, and eligibility is not based on financial need. Eligible students may apply and interview for available positions, which are posted year-round on the UA Student Jobsite. Below are minimum qualifications for students based on their UA student status. These qualifications must be kept the duration of employment as a UA student assistant. Individual hiring departments and programs may also have additional eligibility requirements, including minimum GPA, completion of credit hours or coursework, class level, etc.


  • Accepted into UA degree program
  • Obtained CWID number
  • Completed registration for at least 6 credit hours during first fall/spring semester


  • Enrolled in UA degree program
  • Registered for at least 6 credit hours during fall/spring semesters


  • Enrolled in UA degree program
  • Registered for at least 4.5 credit hours during fall/spring semesters

Students working in on-campus positions are limited to a total of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. Students may work up to 40 hours per week during academic breaks and summer semester(s).

International Students

There are additional eligibility and work hour requirements for international hires.

Forms & Paperwork

Required Forms

Federal I-9

Verifies your identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Your hiring department will send you an email with instructions on completing the I-9. The I-9 must be completed no later than your first day of employment.

Please refer to the following link for a list of the proper documents you will need in order to complete this form:

Note: All forms of identification must be original. Photocopies of identification documents cannot be accepted.


Complete so the employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Generally, UA student assistant employees are exempt from paying FICA taxes, provided they are enrolled at least part-time in a degree program and working part–time.

To access: Login to myBama and click the Employee Tab. In the Banner Self Service box, click Employee Services > Tax Forms.

A-4 or Student Exemption A-4E

Complete so the employer can withhold the correct state income tax from your pay. Student employees may claim exemption from State tax if they plan to receive less than $1,800 of income in the year.

To access: Login to myBama and click the Employee Tab. In the Banner Self Service box, click Employee Services > Tax Forms.

UA Direct Deposit Form

Student employees must have their paychecks directly deposited into a personal checking or savings or account. Direct Deposit must be set-up online through the Banner Self-Service Direct Deposit form. 

To set up: View instructions and links to set-up a direct deposit account.

Additional Forms

International Student Employees

International students (in F-1 or J-1 status) will also be required to present the following documents for on-campus employment:

  • F-1 I-20 Document or J-1 DS-2019 Document, which lists The University of Alabama as your institution and your expected graduation date

International students that do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) must apply for one upon employment. The SSN is not required to begin on-campus employment, but must be obtained immediately after being hired. Have your supervisor visit our Employee Resources I-9 page for more information.

For additional information, contact Capstone International Services at 205-348-5402.

Confidentiality Statement

You may be required to complete a confidentiality statement depending on your student status, your work assignment, or the UA department you will be working for. Student Assistants may also opt to complete additional voluntary forms to disclose information to UA.

Form: Confidentiality Statement for Student Employees

e-Time & Payroll

As a Student Assistant, you will be responsible for confirming your work schedule with your supervisor, as well as documenting and submitting your hours worked for each pay period. Please be sure to review any specific departmental procedures for submitting time with your supervisor.

Logging Hours

Student Assistants are required to complete biweekly time sheets. Hours are submitted online through the UA e-Time system, located on the ‘Employee’ tab on myBama. Refer to the UA e-Time Timesheet Entry Users Guide for additional information.

Your supervisor will approve the number of hours you submit through the online timesheet approval process. If you make a mistake when entering your time, notify your supervisor immediately so they can make the required corrections before the payroll period ends.

Failure to record and submit your hours worked as required may result in errors or delays on your paycheck. Be sure to review any errors or problems with your supervisor.

Pay Schedules

The bi-weekly payroll is processed every other week with payday on Fridays. Direct deposits are available on payday. Checks may be picked up at the Human Resources Administration Building Suite 1001, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

W-2 Forms

Banner Self Service allows you to print your W-2 on demand.  If you lose your original W-2 or need an additional copy for any reason, you have the ability to access and reprint your W-2 using Banner Self-Service.  Banner Self Service W-2 reprints conform to federal and state government standards and can be used for filing your tax returns. Refer to W-2 Printing Instructions for directions on accessing and printing a copy of your W-2.

Updating Personal Information

Student Assistants may update personal information such as address, marital status or emergency contact information using Banner Self-Service. Refer to Change of Address, Marital Status or Emergency Contact for instructions.

For additional assistance with general payroll questions, please call the HR Service Center at 205-348-7732.

Workplace Expectations

Social Media

Student Assistants should carefully consider communications made through social media outlets, particularly when representing UA departments, organizations or programs as student employees. The University of Alabama appreciates the contributions of all members of its online community, and encourages open discussion and the exchange of ideas in a way that adds value to all users.

Anyone using social media at UA should be aware that material published on these outlets may be subject to policies outlined in the UA Staff Handbook, including but not limited to the Standards of Behavior section, as well as any other applicable UA policies or laws.

Student Assistants should follow all social media guidelines set by their hiring department or organization, and review UA’s Social Media Best Practices and Recommendations for additional information.

Representing UA

As a Student Assistant and UA employee, you will play an essential role in the daily workings of your Department/Organization, and will be called upon to represent The University in all that you do while working on-campus.

It is important that you interact with all faculty, staff, and students, as well as members of the community that visit The University of Alabama campus in a professional and courteous manner.

The information below covers some of the basic workplace expectations and standards that apply to all UA student employees. Your supervisor may have additional expectations for job performance and professional behavior.

Dress Code

All Student Assistants are expected to follow simple rules for professional dress; you should verify with your supervisor what the appropriate dress code is for your Department or Organization.

If you are required to wear a uniform as part of your employment, it is your responsibility to keep that uniform clean and presentable, and wear it during assigned work hours as directed by your supervisor.

Avoid the following when dressing for work: tight or revealing clothing, short skirts and dresses, short tops, low pants or skirts that reveal the midriff or back area, casual clothing including blue jeans and shorts, logo t-shirts other than those approved by your supervisor, flip-flops or shoes in disrepair, and extremes in body piercings and hairstyles.

Incidents of unprofessional dress will be addressed and may be documented by your supervisor. Repeated incidents may lead to additional disciplinary measures and/or termination of employment.


University records, including student information such as contact information, work schedules, class schedules, and grade information, are confidential and protected under a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).   Under federal law and University policy, student records are protected from disclosure to third parties.  Student Assistants are not permitted to access student, faculty, or staff information unless given a legitimate work-related reason to do so that has been clearly authorized by the Supervisor.

Student Assistants may not directly or indirectly communicate information, including departmental business information, research or correspondence, contained in University records with anyone (such as other students, co-workers, family members, etc.) for any reason, and will maintain privacy of all records during and after employment at the University of Alabama. Additionally, any University records, files or other materials may not be removed from the workplace.

Additional information regarding the University’s Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records and training can be found in the Privacy Guidelines (FERPA)  on the UA Policy webpage.

Work Ethic

As employees of The University of Alabama, Student Assistants will value:

  • A commitment to the enhancement of The University of Alabama.
  • The educational process and the role we play in the development of others.
  • Excellence in customer service.
  • The use of equal consideration and nondiscrimination with respect to all individuals, regardless of sex, race, age, physical ability, or sexual orientation.
  • The highest standards of personal conduct.
  • Genuine concern for the welfare of all employees and guests of the University.
  • A sincere respect for the rights and privacy of all student employees, customers, and guests.
Sexual Harassment

The University of Alabama is committed to providing an environment for employees, students, and campus visitors that is free from illegal harassment based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or veteran status. Such illegal harassment violates federal civil rights laws and University nondiscrimination policy and may lead to personal liability for the results of such behavior.

The University implements its Harassment Policy through preventive education and training and through procedures for investigating and resolving claims of harassment. Employees and students are encouraged to review the University’s Harassment Policy and participate in training programs, which are offered by a variety of departments and divisions, including the Department of Human Resources.

Employees should report complaints of harassment to the designated Harassment Resource Person for the college, school, or administrative unit in which they are employed or to the Department of Human Resources. Employees who believe for any reason that they cannot effectively communicate their concerns through any of these channels may consult the University Compliance Officer in the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, or if conflicts exist with the University Compliance Officer, employees may consult with the Office of the Provost.

For additional information, please review UA’s Equal Opportunity Policies.

Background Checks

Pre-employment background investigations are required for final candidates for all graduate student positions. These checks are processed and managed through the Graduate School dean’s office.

Pre-employment background investigations may also be obtained for select undergraduate student positions, as required by the hiring department to meet certain program requirements, or for positions in which the responsibilities are deemed to be sensitive in nature or when a background investigation is required by law.  Some examples include:

  • Positions with access to University financial and/or sensitive information, records/databases
  • Police, security and safety positions
  • Positions handling cash and checks on a regular basis
  • Positions having unsupervised contact with minors
  • Positions with access to residence hall rooms or high security areas
  • Positions having patient contact or access to prescription medications, other controlled substances, hazardous materials or select agents.
  • Positions responsible for the care, safety and security of animals

Background investigations must be completed prior to an offer of employment.

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Policy

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) reports are required for all individuals who are expected to drive, on a regular or routine basis (i.e. daily, weekly or regularly scheduled), a University vehicle. This includes, but may not be limited to, volunteers, students, faculty and staff.

The Office of Risk Management applies MVR review guidelines generally considered to be reasonable and prudent in an effort to reduce accident potential and to prevent allegations of negligent entrustment should a University driver be involved in an accident.

All authorized drivers of University vehicles are required to complete an online defensive driving program. Department heads/supervisors will ensure that individuals under their direction comply with this policy and with the Vehicle Safety Management Program and the Defensive Driving Course when applicable.

Counseling & Disciplinary Action

When a Student Assistant’s work performance or conduct is unsatisfactory, or has violated University or departmental policy, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination. For a typical disciplinary action, supervisors will have a verbal conversation with the Student Assistant, document the inappropriate action, and discuss steps needed to correct the behavior.

The following list includes, but is not limited to, behaviors that may result in disciplinary action and/or termination:

  • Failure to follow instructions, policies, procedures, or guidelines given by the supervisor, or those set forth by the University
  • Absence from work without approval and/or repeated absences
  • Repeated tardiness
  • Failure to consistently perform in a satisfactorily manner
  • Inappropriate use of office equipment (including excessive personal phone calls and use of computer/internet for personal and/or inappropriate reasons)
  • Inappropriate dress/grooming or failure to comply to required dress code
  • Dishonesty, falsification or misrepresentation of work
  • Theft or misappropriated use of property and/or supplies
  • Insubordination
  • Acts that endanger others